OAB Is Due to a Small Bladder

Leaking When You Laugh or Cough Is a Sure Sign of OAB

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4. Leaking When You Laugh or Cough Is a Sure Sign of OAB

There are a few different bladder conditions that involve a loss of bladder control; little leaks that come with small, forceful outbursts are a sign of stress incontinence. While OAB is a condition that impacts your bladder’s ability to hold urine normally, incontinence is a symptom of a condition.

Stress incontinence can come from weak pelvic muscles, obesity, a urinary tract infection, or even hormonal fluctuations — these problems either impair the muscles around the bladder opening and the urethra, or put an undue amount of pressure on the abdomen. In some cases, stress incontinence occurs alongside OAB, a condition known as mixed incontinence.

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